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* Assumes Ultimate VPN 3 year plan. Commission is a fixed percentage of plan prices. Coupon and promotional campaigns may reduce or increase commission.
Why Acevpn?
We can give you thousands of reasons but here are few.
- Leading VPN tunnel provider and Smart DNS provider with top rated customer support.
- Services include Smart DNS and VPN (OpenVPN, IPSEC IKEv2, L2TP, PPTP and Stealth VPN).
- Support for most network connected devices and operating systems
- Trusted brand used by thousands of people worldwide to protect their security, privacy and for entertainment.
- Interested in selling our services under your own brand? Become our dealer / reseller
Getting Started

Fine print:
- We pay commissions for every signup that comes via your custom signup link
- You must have $100 or more to make a withdrawal from your affiliate commissions balance to your PayPal account
- Self referrals or fake information will result in suspension of your affiliate account
- All affiliate requests have a 30 day payout delay to allow for refunds & disputes