Every millisecond counts when it comes to online games. Higher ping and latency not only ruin your gaming experience but can also cause you to lose a game that you are about to win. Online gamers often recommend using VPN to enhance online gaming performance and address issues concerning DDOS, safety and data encryption.
Best Gaming VPN
There are several factors to consider while choosing the best VPN for games.
- Device compatibility: Windows, Mac and Linux support majority of VPN protocols but none of the gaming consoles like Xbox, PlayStation or Wii support VPN out of the box. You either have to run VPN on a router or tether with your computer running VPN.
- VPN Protocol: Not all protocols are equal. Some are secure, some slow and few even require installing closed source software that is often bundled with malware and spywares.
- Low ping and latency: Games lag or skip frames with higher latency. Lower ping depends on factors like peering, network, internet connectivity and devices, VPN type, server location, etc.
- VPN Server location: Connecting to a server closer to you typically result in better speed and connectivity. However, some providers fake location by modifying SWIP hurting ping response and latency.

Unblocking Games with VPN
A VPN can solve this annoying and ridiculous problem! A Virtual Private Network acts as a secure tunnel between your device and the VPN server you select. By encrypting your connection, it makes it difficult for an online service to identify your real identity and location.
Why Acevpn?
- Servers in 25+ countries and 50+ locations.
- Popular VPN protocols to choose – OpenVPN, IPSEC IKEv2, IKEv2, L2TP, PPTP, Stealth VPN and Smart DNS.
- Low latency bandwidth – presence in most Internet Exchanges worldwide and peer with most ISP’s.
- Supports all major Operating systems, Mobile devices, Tablets, Routers, Gaming consoles, Entertainment consoles, Smart TV.
- 24×7 support. Money back guarantee. Top rated by customers. Compare VPN.